What is the biggest misconception of your company? Think long and hard. The biggest thing people think about where you work, what you do, or what you own. The biggest misconception is”¦
We are too expensive! You can’t get a good deal here. Our employees are inconsiderate. There is no follow through. Our products are never on time. We do not carry the right inventory. Our advertising does not represent who we are. It smells like mildew in here. The lady who answers the phone is out of touch with reality. The company dog is a mutt. That company’s owner’s kids are lazy! When are they going to get up-to-date?
You’ve heard the expression “perception is reality “. What if their perception is true? Look at all the flattering, and unflattering things that might be a misconception. Talk about it with your staff in your weekly meeting. Then put a plan together to remedy it”¦today.
To get someone to do business with you in this day and age you must win a client’s trust. You can be the ugliest place to shop, offering no service if the price is right. On the other hand if you are the most expensive you must substantiate why you are more expensive. That could be with impeccable service, unbelievable product knowledge and multiple locations to serve your area.
What is the biggest misconception of your company? If it’s a negative issue tackle the problem with your staff, tell the world the problem is fixed in your marketing and move forward. If it’s a negative issue that benefits the consumer (Example: Bad location equals less overhead and the best price) tackle this in your advertising. Turn negatives into positives and positives into profit for the company you represent.