I’ll be there! And then they don’t show. No regard for commitment? No regard for your word? Is the integrity built on faulty ground? Or is this nature of their industry”¦the beast? Small contractors seem to get a free pass when it comes to being on time. Why is that?
I had a little project on the front of my home I wanted, to add a stoop, or porch. I received two bids for about 3k. Accepted one and he never showed. The following summer I reached out again and he didn’t respond. So I asked the second one and he enthusiastically accepted. Even came over and adjusted his bid. I offered him half the money on the spot if he would start that week. He needed 2 weeks. I offered half the money if he started in 2 weeks. He turned it down again. I said, “Geez, kinda sounds like I can’t count on you showing.” He disagreed. That was 6 weeks ago.
Hey I get it. Over commit and work as fast as you can on the bigger jobs and fill in down time with the small jobs. But at what cost? Your integrity”¦word being no go. How soon before that erodes your other values?
When coaching for businesses I look for the values that the company builds its integrity on. Values equals mission. If they align they will have traction. Take a look at your company and tell me what you see”¦