Getting what you want can have lots of twists and turns. Do you have a vision, roadmap, or plan to get what you want”¦and more importantly, are you willing to follow?
A good place to start is knowing what is important, or valuable to you. What do you value? Not material stuff”¦.Values are what is most important in our life”” What gives life meaning and relevance.
CTI describes values as:“Values create your inner framework of how you make choices and can be your deepest motivators. Honoring your values brings richness and fulfillment to your life. Knowing what your values are will assist you in finding direction, purpose, and intention.”
Look over this list”¦
Accomplishment Accuracy Acknowledgment Trust
Adventure Aesthetics Authenticity Zest
Beauty Certainty Clarity Vitality
Collaboration Community Compassion Tranquility
Competition Comradeship Connection Tradition
Contribution Creativity Curiosity Tenacity
Dignity Directness Diversity To Be Known
Elegance Empowerment Excellence Service
Exploration Focus Free Spirit Spirituality
Freedom Choice Full Self- Expression Growth Success
Harmony Health/Well ““Being Honesty Risk Taking
Humor Independence Integrity Romance
Intimacy Irreverence Joy Serenity
Lack of Pretense Leadership Loyalty Responsibility
Mastery Magic Meaning Resourcefulness
Moderation Nature Nurturing Peace
Orderliness Participation Partnership Performance
Powerful Privacy Resilience Recognition
Productivity Resolute/Resolve Physical Movement
Close your eyes and think about this. Then go to this list and pick the top 10 and number them in order of importance and on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 is low) give them a score on how well you are honoring that value. By numbering them it will give insight on how you are living your life.
Are you following your inner compass? Now take those values and try to put them into a sentence. For example, if you selected joyfulness, honesty, dedication and service, your sentence might be:
“My personal mission is to ensure that I bring honesty, dedication and service joyfully into everything I do.”
If you feel one value is more important to you than all the rest””you might believe that the most important value is justice”¦
“My personal mission is to ensure that everyone is treated with justice.”
Other Examples:
· I bring connection, fun and innovation into everything I do.
· My personal mission is to respectfully serve my community.
· To ensure that I bring respect, connection and freedom joyfully into everything I do.
Write your personal mission statement:
Let your inner compass (Values) guide you, and the chances of getting what you want increases dramatically. Leaving you living a full, “purpose-filled” life. A life rich with everything you envision.
Have fun (: