The man died 3 times! And was resuscitated 3 times due to a series of heart attacks! To hear his story is amazing.
We have all heard stories like Tom. In my case, I met him 3 years ago through a referral. Consequently did a workshop for him on TEAM building. Afterwards he liked me so much he hired me to “coach” him with his Leadership. We’ve been together ever since.
Things were cruising along just fine. He was discovering how we all have Saboteur voices in our heads. You know the voices”¦the ones that tell you to work harder, you aren’t enough, or judge your every move. He was learning to push them aside and be more conscious of them. So he could make more room for his Captain, the Positive voice that helps navigate him through life. He found himself not reacting to situations like he had in the past and was able to take his leadership to a whole new level. He was even noticing how it was transferring to his home life, giving him more balance and fulfillment.
When suddenly, without warning, he had a heart attack. And another, and another. Stories like Tom do not always have a happy ending. But in his case he has survived, and is living a different life. Since this time he has discovered a whole new way of “being”. Because of the heart attack Tom has found there is only one way to live”¦in the present. In his words the heart attack has been a gift. I have had a front row seat to this amazing journey. The transformation has been nothing short of a miraculous story that is being documented and will someday be in a book.
When coaching for business’s I have found some kind of dramatic event like this has the capacity to bring a company together on a new whole level. A level that was not ever dreamt of, realized, or even conscious of. It can bring a company to a collective conscious level that is full of opportunities and hope. A place of abundance. It can also do the opposite, tear one apart. Leaving the company paralyzed and stuck in the status quo. A place draped in the hopeless place of scarcity.
Please do not wait for a dramatic event to “wake up” your company to a new way of being. You can create a new culture of being today. Wake up your company by putting down the negative beliefs, and picking up the positive.
My wish for you and your company is to create a new way of being by coming from a place of abundance, not scarcity.