Golf at midnight in Alaska? Amazing. Never thought I would feel that experience. The greens were a little furry, which makes the putt slow and bumpy. But hey, I was golfing at midnight. So it was good, better than not golfing at all.
Slow and bumpy”¦reminds me of a few experiences I have had when coaching for businesses. The TEAM just didn’t have the sense of urgency behind its actions, kind of lethargic. No clear vivid direction or synergy around the mission. Consequently it was a slow, almost painful bumpy ride being a part of that organization.
Underneath the greens and fairways on the Alaskan golf course was permafrost. A phenomenon that wreaks havoc on the landscape. Makes the greens very hilly and circus like. Ever changing the lay of the land from year to year. It is very hard on the roads.
When coaching for businesses I find a permafrost underneath the visible view of the TEAM. It is the unseen culture, or belief system of the associates. What permafrost exists in the organization you are a part of?