Everything changes, nothing stays the same! What is morphing before your very eyes? Last year, Minneapolis endured a top 10 Worse Winter Weather on record. The snow and cold were unbearable and this year is stacking up to be right there with record lows and loads of snow. Yet, we managed to live through it.
One of my favorite motivational speakers Jim Rohn made this statement famous “Handle the Winters” talking about the seasons of life! The ups and downs and the struggle of the winter season and it is usually a struggle.
A good example of “What doesn’t kill you will makes you stronger” is winter. In the fall when the temperature is slowly dipping below 40 degrees in the Twin Cities, 40 degrees is freezing. In the spring it’s short sleeve weather.
“What doesn’t kill you will makes you stronger” And much more appreciative. However, the latter will not apply if you are asleep. When coaching for businesses I find some associates, and owners, are not awake. Consequently they are not present.
Staying in the moment is hard work. But when you are in the moment you can see things much clearer. You can see that things are changing right before your very eyes. I call that “real time”.Are you in real time?
Get present, get real, see what is happening and I mean look at what’s really happening. Look under rocks, at your customers, your employees, your mission and your image. Make 2015 the year that was transformed.
Do not “settle” for what has been happening. The great ones make it happen! Lean into the reality that nothing stays the same and be “present” to that fact. Move out of the “story” and into the vision of what you want to create.
Life is ever changing”¦move with the change.