I recently spent some time in San Antonio working with some incredible men.
For the most part these men did not know me, but of me.
That always leads to speculation and projections about me, and what is going to happen before we even begin.
My co-leader Bob Christensen and I are well aware of that going in.
This two day workshop is designed to give new perspectives on what Leadership can look like.
Because truthfully, leadership comes in all shapes and sizes…
Especially in regards to Leadership versus Management.
This particular distinction is very important. Leadership and management can be at odds with one another.
And consequently, all Leaders have to deal with systems and practices within an organization.
The key is to stay above the minutia of the systems, and always tie those following you back to what the vision is.
…Or what you, as the Leader, want to create.
For me, I find leadership so very personal.
And I own that my leadership style is mine, separate from yours.
I have mine and you have yours. I’d like to share mine with you with the hope that you can use it to benefit your leadership style.
My leadership’s foundation, is built on trust, without it I have nothing.
That is my truth, beginning and end, to my leadership.
And that trust, is built on intimacy. (IN-TO-ME-SEE)
The fastest way I build bridges of intimacy, is through emotional intelligence. (EQ)
It is this fundamental principle that separates me from other leaders. You can have this too!
My belief is simple:
If another human being knows I am feeling what they are feeling, meeting them where they are at, I have demonstrated empathy and created an emotional bond.
These emotional bonds and feelings personalize ALL relationships.
And unfortunately for some, intimacy and emotional intelligence can lead to discomfort. Half of the time, I find that they are not even conscious of their discomfort!
Many believe, and argue, that there is NO PLACE for feelings in the workplace.
That is a very big mistake, and a weakness of leaders.
These particular “leaders” believe being vulnerable is a weakness.
I am always shocked by that…every single time I bump up against it.
People follow people! Not systems, 12 point plans, or checks and balances.
And the more authentic, and beautifully flawed…the more believable they are.
Leaders that are vulnerable have embraced their saboteurs (precious egos) and treated those behaviors like an undisciplined child.
Kudos to those leaders, you have done your work!
Those leaders have made room for their core values to come forth and shine.
Shining a light on the shadows of despair and ambiguity.
Thank you! We need more light in this murky world of ours.
My hope for you is that you find your Leader within, your true north, that inner compass and embrace it!
I’m going to let you in on something right now though…
You are going to discover it is not perfect.
BUT it is certainly enough…You are enough.
The two days that I spent with this group of men was definately a life changing experience. The next closest thing to this is when I accepted the lord into my life. I would take Jerry Haack into what ever battle that may arise in my life.