by Jerry Haack | Jun 27, 2014 | Business Coaching, Business Leadership Training, Executive Business Coaching |
When coaching a business I occasionally find client’s that micromanage every move. At first I feel sorry for them, then irritated, and eventually I want to divorce them. Why micromanage? Fear”¦Fear of everything!!! The need for complete control. This...
by Jerry Haack | May 14, 2014 | Business Attitudes, Business Leadership Training, Coaching Workshops |
When coaching a business it is imperative to know what is at stake. What is the overall objective that trumps all other objectives? Usually it is tied to the company’s vision. And sometimes it can get convoluted. Is the vision of your organization crystal...
by Jerry Haack | Apr 28, 2014 | Business Attitudes, Business Leadership Training |
Getting what you want can have lots of twists and turns. Do you have a vision, roadmap, or plan to get what you want”¦and more importantly, willing to follow? A good place to start is knowing what is important, or valuable to you. What do you value? Not material...
by Jerry Haack | Apr 1, 2014 | Business Attitudes, Business Leadership Training |
Touchy subject when someone is suspected of alcohol or drug abuse in the workplace. How do you handle it? I’ve seen about every scenario imaginable. It is a very fragile situation when trying to manage alcoholism and chemical dependency. Some companies have a...
by Jerry Haack | Dec 9, 2013 | Business Leadership Training |
Do you know what you want”¦I mean really know what you want? Will you do whatever it takes to get what you want and at what cost? That’s a big question and in order to answer it we must first understand our values! Do you believe what you want is out of...