I love watching a client “light up” when they have a “AHHH HAAA” moment.Especially when they realize the simplicity of understanding how drama effects their life, both personally and professionally.…And then they suddenly realize they have a choice to stay in it, or...
Have you read the story of Ali Banat, the young Sydney Australian millionaire? He was given 7 months to live with stage 4 cancer, and lived over 3 years! He just passed recently. His story is unique, in the long list of compelling life changing stories you read about....
This poem from Rumi really resonates with me. It’s so easy to “stay asleep” in life, just going through the motions. I tell clients, friends, and family all the time to “wake up!” It’s worth it, to ask for what we really want,...
Sometimes I tell my clients, or people asking for support, to read. And when you’re finished reading…get back to me. I have a few must reads. For business owners, MD’s, attorneys, and scientists I always tell them to read Leadership and Self Deception, by...
A client of mine shared this excellent video with me and a wonderful message to her high performing team. All – I’m observing and hearing things that indicate we have quite a bit of anxiety and stress among us. We may not all be showing up as our “best self”. In the...