Business Personal Coach-Who are You?

Completely alone”¦no sounds, no thoughts, only you. That is the time, when you know what is real, what you want, what is important, and what really matters. Meditation is a fantastic practice. Prayer, nature, quiet walks, yoga, holding a small child, feeding the sick. All wonderful corridors to the “space” of true nature.

Business Coaching Tools-Clearing the Mind

Just look at this photo. This is the west coast of Florida on a January evening. Life here is simply divine. I am captivated by the moment of bliss as the sun plummets on to the ocean with a pewf! Nothing is on my mind here…in this space. Nothing can disturb this peace I am feeling resonate in my heart.

Business Success Training -Size Matters

A doctor wouldn’t give you half the dosage and expect you to heal, or heal in the same amount of time as the full dose. Be a doctor at what you do! Prescribe the right medicine, the right amount and maybe even a little extra to help achieve your clients goals. Zig Ziglar is famous for the quote “If you help enough people get what they want, you can have what you want!” That is sales in a nut shell!