Jerry’s Writings

Getting your balance back

Getting your balance back

Recently one of my clients told me she was “stuck” and needed a reboot. REBOOT…I love that! She knew she was stuck, and she knew what she wanted.   Because of our long term coaching relationship, it was easy for me to get her rolling forward. For her, at the end of...

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Focusing on what you love creates passion

Focusing on what you love creates passion

The Purpose mode is the goal I look for when coaching a client. When someone is in the Purpose mode they are focused on the things they love. Purpose has been described as: The reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exists. Purpose...

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Leadership Versus Management

Leadership Versus Management

John Kotter got it right when he defined extraordinary Leadership as: Vision, opportunity, agility, inspired activity, innovation and collaboration   Are you a part of an organization that has a vision so crystal clear every single person in the organization...

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Every year it’s the same thing…new goals for the New Year. …I’ve already missed my mark so I’m gearing up for 2020 ?   Seriously though, if you have new goals, you have to write them down. Write them down and share them with another. That kind of transparency...

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Which wolf are you feeding?

Which wolf are you feeding?

Each of us co-creates our world with our thoughts, our actions, our dreams and visions. As we focus our energy and conscious thought to what we want to create (Passion), rather than what we don't want, or what we want to move away from (Anxiety), our vision expands...

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Being Appreciated

Being Appreciated

“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.” -Dr Paul White   Want to cut down in turnover, increase your productivity, and get your associates and teams to think outside the “box”? ...Read The Five Languages of Appreciation in the...

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Make A Change

Make A Change

It’s autumn time and the leaves are changing. Are you? The first step toward change is deciding that you want to change. Deciding if you want change is directly tied to knowing what you want… What do you want? Whether it’s changing something small like drinking more...

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I think there’s a misconception that leaders are extroverts. Leaders come in many forms and it’s imperative we know and accept that they may have different practices than our own. I highly recommend the book, Quiet by Susan Cain, it brilliantly describes introverts.

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Seeing what you want, before it's a reality, comes from a deep seeded vision or passion that bubbles inside of you.   ...Your True North. My son Anthony David, (known as Tony to most), recently followed his.  Check out the work he's created with his company using...

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