Jerry’s Writings

Goodwill Greatness

Goodwill Greatness

Twenty-nine of us came together for a two day workshop offsite at the beautiful Goodwill Camp in South Sioux City, NE.  Some knew one another, most of us did not. My task was to bring them together in a short period of time as a team.  And also in a way that was...

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What reality are you choosing to live?

What reality are you choosing to live?

Reality isn’t something you perceive, it’s something you create in your mind. What are you making up in your mind? Is what you believe real, factual, and data rich? How many assumptions or judgments are clouding your reality? And consequently, are the facts and data...

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It takes courage to get what you really want.

It takes courage to get what you really want.

Usually I know what I want. And I know what to do to get what I want.     I haven’t always been like this. It has taken me awhile to really get to know the ebbs and flows of my life. …And to get to know me. Luckily I have had enough time on this planet to really work...

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The Situation…

The Situation…

  I have spoken of the process I have been doing with my clients for the past 30 years called the Situation Analysis. My mentor and teacher Tom McGranahan taught it to me in 1979 and I have been using it ever since.   Lately, I have been doing more of them. ...

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Reverse the order of success

Reverse the order of success

Reverse the order of your success and happiness in just 21 short days!!! Shawn Achor validates how I have been living my life in this Ted Talk. It is one of the highest viewed Ted Talks with over 10...

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To change or not to change

To change or not to change

Have you ever been in a conversation that was riddled with “should be’s”… I really should be doing more with my life The company I work for should be more proactive I’m educated, but not utilizing my education, I should be doing something different My peers should not...

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Practice makes perfect.

Practice makes perfect.

I recently had the privilege of serving this brilliant group of leaders.  My colleague, Bob Christensen (Impact Results, Inc.) and I have been putting on these two and a half day workshops for some time now.  He invited half of his clients and I invited the other....

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Leadership in all shapes and sizes

Leadership in all shapes and sizes

  I recently spent some time in San Antonio working with some incredible men. For the most part these men did not know me, but of me. That always leads to speculation and projections about me, and what is going to happen before we even begin. My co-leader Bob...

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Must Reads!

Must Reads!

Sometimes I tell my clients, or people asking for support, to read. And when you’re finished reading…get back to me.   I have a few must reads. For business owners, MD's, attorneys, and scientists I always tell them to read Leadership and Self Deception, by...

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