Jerry’s Writings

Leadership Development Coaching Life

I've read accounts of people in hospice, and/or other "right before death" moments speak of their heart space. I have also been with people on their deathbed and witnessed for myself the uncanny "Calm" in their eyes and body. It's a surreal sense of "knowing" that...

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Leadership Development Coaching Team Creation

Want to build your Team? First ask yourself the question "Am I really willing to do what it takes to build this team?" Because if you aren't willing to really try then there is absolutely no sense in playing charades.  It's embarrassing! If you are ready, here are...

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The World of Professional Business Coaching

As a marketing/sales consultant I have had the incredible honor of seeing over 1500 businesses' internal makings. This includes how they manage fixed and variable expenses, their employees, guarantee profit margins, project market variables, plan for...

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Culture Changing Professional Business Coaching

When you finally decide to choose to create a company that promotes Abundance over Scarcity you are choosing a life of love versus fear. Abundance has endless possibilities attached to it! But it takes time, patience and understanding the success training systems...

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Abundance vs. Scarcity as a Professional Business Coach

What does that mean to you? Ask your partner, a friend, co-worker and you will find the answers very interesting. What does it mean to come from a place of abundance? And in contrast what does it mean to come from a place of scarcity? Abundance is a noun that is...

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Professional Business Coach “The Hawk”

Over the years my friends have nicknamed me "Hawk" because my name Haack is pronounced that way. Also because, in my younger years, I was gifted with some speed and jumping ability so it connoted "flying".  But more importantly in later life, being Hawk served me on...

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Business Coaching Tools-Wake Up

Recently-I decided to get some t-shirts made in my arsenal of business coaching tools that say "Wake Up". I offered a free shirt for stories shared with me on this site of how you witnessed people "Waking Up"? Russel from New York had this to say: I too was honored...

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Business Coaching Tools-Wake Up Shirt

Recently I was honored from a client about an example of how they witnessed a teammate "Wake Up", so he thought of me.  It's times like this that I realize I am the luckiest man on the planet and I am consciously "living" the life I want to live. It is so validating...

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