Jerry’s Writings
BE Above it All
I spent 10 days in Santa Fe, New Mexico at a workshop. A very intensive course dealing with the art and science of human transformation. Via the brain… Neuroscience! The workshop was attended by other coaches from around the world and led by Ursula Pottinga...
Leadership is global
Recently I had the pleasure of touring some of China’s great treasure spots. It gave me excellent perspective on leadership and just how universal it is. It was sponsored by the National Association of Farm Broadcasters and the tour was put on by Custom Travel...
Waking Up
Have you read the story of Ali Banat, the young Sydney Australian millionaire? He was given 7 months to live with stage 4 cancer, and lived over 3 years! He just passed recently. His story is unique, in the long list of compelling life changing stories you read about....
Associates ALL IN
I was recently with a client in New Jersey and the energy of the place was intoxicating. Both Friday and Saturday, I experienced a buzz that had me on the edge of my chair. I love that feeling when I bump into it! That “feeling” was joy. And it came in the form...
Stay Awake!
This poem from Rumi really resonates with me. It's so easy to "stay asleep" in life, just going through the motions. I tell clients, friends, and family all the time to "wake up!" It's worth it, to ask for what we really want, "stay awake" and find it! “Out beyond...
Sometimes I get lost
No one is exempt! I work my butt off helping others help themselves and yet… “Sometimes I get lost!" Meaning, I get upset and thrown off my path. Let me explain, recently a friend asked to inspire his friend while I was on vacation. …It rubbed me the wrong...
Are you in Victim or Creator mode?
In every situation, you are given an opportunity to choose how you will respond. How do you perceive this photo? Do you see cobwebs and barbed wire? Something to fear? Or do you see nature and a heart? Beauty and love made from something ugly. Victim mode…or...
A New Year!
Greetings! Tomorrow is 2018 and another new year is upon us! ? Hopefully that will make you smile and excited for all of the opportunities that await you. I love the reality that tomorrow is proclaimed a New Year, thus a new start. If you choose, you can make that...
Brenè Brown’s Rising Strong is brilliant!
I recently finished reading Brenè Brown’s book, Rising Strong. A must read if you believe her research is the game changer I know it to be. My work as a Leader Trainer and Coach has been validated by her research so many times over. This book is another example of...