Jerry’s Writings

Business Management Coaching Changing Company Culture

I’ve read and have experienced first-hand that changing an organizations’ culture takes anywhere from 3 to 7 years. Depends on the resources available, size of company, and most importantly the willingness of the Leaders courage and vision to C-h-a-n-g-e.

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Professional Business Coach Defining Emotions

All of these books.  All of these studies.  All of these theories.  And last but not least all of these experiences are available for you, to read. Granted they are not all about "Must feel an emotion before you can change" but the theme is there. My interpretation...

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Business Attitudes-Live the Moment!

You see it isn’t about how smart you are. It is about living authentically, congruently, and feeling everything as it happens. It’s about living in the moment and being present to all that is occurring. I fondly refer to it as being awake.

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Business Coaching Tools-Clearing the Mind

Just look at this photo. This is the west coast of Florida on a January evening. Life here is simply divine. I am captivated by the moment of bliss as the sun plummets on to the ocean with a pewf! Nothing is on my mind here…in this space. Nothing can disturb this peace I am feeling resonate in my heart.

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Success Training Systems

It is really quite simple! You want more on the bottom line do more workshops, and get professional coaching on the key players.

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Business Success Training -Size Matters

A doctor wouldn’t give you half the dosage and expect you to heal, or heal in the same amount of time as the full dose. Be a doctor at what you do! Prescribe the right medicine, the right amount and maybe even a little extra to help achieve your clients goals. Zig Ziglar is famous for the quote “If you help enough people get what they want, you can have what you want!” That is sales in a nut shell!

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Companies Coaching Vision!

Are you creating what you want or creating what you do not want to have happen? It still amazes me how many companies I coach are putting systems in place to prevent what they do not want to have happen. That is backwards! Putting systems in place to create what you want takes vision!

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