Jerry’s Writings

Business Attitudes-Live the Moment!

You see it isn’t about how smart you are. It is about living authentically, congruently, and feeling everything as it happens. It’s about living in the moment and being present to all that is occurring. I fondly refer to it as being awake.

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Business Coaching Tools-Clearing the Mind

Just look at this photo. This is the west coast of Florida on a January evening. Life here is simply divine. I am captivated by the moment of bliss as the sun plummets on to the ocean with a pewf! Nothing is on my mind here…in this space. Nothing can disturb this peace I am feeling resonate in my heart.

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Business Success Training -Size Matters

A doctor wouldn’t give you half the dosage and expect you to heal, or heal in the same amount of time as the full dose. Be a doctor at what you do! Prescribe the right medicine, the right amount and maybe even a little extra to help achieve your clients goals. Zig Ziglar is famous for the quote “If you help enough people get what they want, you can have what you want!” That is sales in a nut shell!

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Companies Coaching Vision!

Are you creating what you want or creating what you do not want to have happen? It still amazes me how many companies I coach are putting systems in place to prevent what they do not want to have happen. That is backwards! Putting systems in place to create what you want takes vision!

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Business Success Training -Why?

Doctor King had a dream! What’s yours and why?People tell me what they do for a living. People even tell me how they do it? Yet I rarely hear why a person does what they do for a living! More importantly why the business does what it does for income!

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Business Coaching Giving

We are all on this planet to serve our fellow human beings. When you give you should never expect anything in return. A higher power takes care of people who take care of fellow people humans who give back. Our purpose in business is yes to make money and it is also to donate to give. The most successful businesses I work with donate time, money and love to humanity and that kind of love needs to be spread for all our success!

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Business Coaching Change!

Everything changes, nothing stays the same! What is morphing before your very eyes? One of my favorite motivational speakers Jim Rohn made this statement famous “Handle the Winters” talking about the seasons of life! Get present, get real, see what is happening and I mean look at what’s really happening. Look under rocks, at your customers, your employees, your mission and your image. Make 2015 the year that was transformed.

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Coaching Life in Business

2 years from today you are dead. No longer here”¦gone. All that is left, for the people that loved you, are memories. What will those memories be? Life is fragile and it works in mysterious ways. Leave a legacy that lasts and live each day to its fullest. So, why not live your life as if you knew your death date!

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