Jerry’s Writings

Purpose Filled Life Coaching

My purpose filled life entails staying in the NOW, breathing in what is present, and feeling everything that comes my way. This life takes discipline and constant reminders from friends and family on what is real, what is not, and what I want.

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Business Leadership Coaching -VISION

The world is changing. Information is at our finger tips. Traditional forms of media are having to look at new ways to remain relevant. Businesses are having to look at ways to remain relevant to compete, strive and survive. What’s your strategy?

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Business Success Training Workshops

Want to make an impact on your group. Shake them up, refocus them, get some synergy? Do a workshop! I recently held one that had the following ingredients present. Their goal, like many of my clients, was to look into the future. ..Visioning. It's very interesting to...

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Business Personal Coach-Who are You?

Completely alone”¦no sounds, no thoughts, only you. That is the time, when you know what is real, what you want, what is important, and what really matters. Meditation is a fantastic practice. Prayer, nature, quiet walks, yoga, holding a small child, feeding the sick. All wonderful corridors to the “space” of true nature.

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Professional Business Coach-Roll with the Punches!

I've been at this sales and marketing game for over 3 decades now. Actually pushing 4 decades"¦Yikes!Throughout these years I have had some real highs and lows.In retrospect, the highs turned out to be lows.  And the lows have turned out to be highs.I will explain,...

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