by Jerry Haack | Jul 30, 2014 | Business Coaching, Sales Training |
“I can only hear about 35% of what you are saying.” Don’t you wish people were that honest, or conscious, to admit such a statement? The truth is you are engaged with people every single day that cannot hear you 100%. Either because they are...
by Jerry Haack | Jul 28, 2014 | Business Coaching, Team Building |
Books Jerry Haack knows, trusts and lives by (Must Reads on Leadership) Primal Leadership Anatomy of Peace Leadership and Self Deception True North Tribes The 5th Discipline A Team of Rivals The End of Leadership My point to all of this is I/we must continue to...
by Jerry Haack | Jul 18, 2014 | Business Coaching, Executive Business Coaching, Sales Training |
Getting what you want can have lots of twists and turns. Do you have a vision, roadmap, or plan to get what you want”¦and more importantly, are you willing to follow? A good place to start is knowing what is important, or valuable to you. What do you value? Not...
by Jerry Haack | Jul 11, 2014 | Business Coaching, Sales Training |
I was working with one of America’s top 10 companies a few weeks back. It was a day and a half workshop on TEAM Building. I am always impressed with companies that consciously “choose” to NOT remain in the status quo. Even though this company was...
by Jerry Haack | Jul 10, 2014 | Business Coaching, Sales Training |
When coaching a business I am always fascinated at their selling processes. My selling process has been developing for close to 40 years now. Wow, just saying that makes me feel really experienced and wise, and old. Over the past 40 years everything I know has...
by Jerry Haack | Jul 3, 2014 | Business Attitudes, Business Coaching, Business Leadership Training |
Rocky mountain high or rocky mountain oysters? I experienced a rocky mountain high last week when conducting a 6 hour sales workshop in the Rocky Mountain area and, on the same trip, I was offered some rocky mountain oysters. My sales workshop is intense. And I...