by Jerry Haack | May 6, 2014 | Business Attitudes, Business Coaching, Executive Business Coaching |
What is your proudest moment in business, a big sale, opening day, retiring? Everyone has a proudest moment. If they do not, they leave. What kind of environment do you work in? The goal should be to create a moment”¦every day. Imagine working in a culture where...
by Jerry Haack | May 2, 2014 | Business Coaching, Executive Business Coaching |
What do you expect out of a good marketing plan? What should you expect? · A roadmap · More sales · Better clarity and focus · A sense of direction · The advertising plan neatly planned – Team building There is more. Actually,...
by Jerry Haack | Apr 24, 2014 | Business Coaching, Executive Business Coaching |
What is the biggest misconception of your company? Think long and hard. The biggest thing people think about where you work, what you do, or what you own. The biggest misconception is”¦ We are too expensive! You can’t get a good deal here. Our employees...
by Jerry Haack | Apr 16, 2014 | Business Coaching |
What is the perfect culture inside a company? We want to know what you think. In coaching businesses over the years we have experienced all kinds. First it begs to question. What do you want? Do you want clarity, that everyone’s voice is heard, conflict is...
by Jerry Haack | Apr 14, 2014 | Business Coaching, Sales Training |
What is your Stadium pitch? What would you say if you were in front of 50,000 “ready to buy your product” prospects? Think about it. What if 50,000 people were interested in your product”¦What would you say? When I ask my clients that question I get...
by Jerry Haack | Mar 21, 2014 | Business Attitudes, Business Coaching |
The Purpose mode is the goal we look for when coaching a client. When someone is in the Purpose mode they are focused on the things they love. Purpose has been described as”¦The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists....