Jerry’s Writings

Comfort and Prosperity Don’t Coexist!

Is it healthy to live in the comfort zone? You know what I mean don't you? The place where 90% of America lives. Where they are safe or at least, they think they are! Living in a comfort zone only allows you to become easy to replace. Your replacement is the person...

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Fight for Every Inch!

1 degree, 1 inch push yourself to the next level every day because the difference of an inch could help you win the game! Sometimes the biggest task in your life might have been realized had you stuck with it just a little bit longer. Did you know at 211 degrees water...

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Don’t Worry BE HAPPY!

I have been recommended the "Happiness Advantage" book by Shawn Achor. His research   suggests, "We believe we should be happy, but that could be backwards". He argues that happiness inspires productivity. The way the average person thinks is "If I work harder, I'll...

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We Are All Part Of A Whole

Yet, we try to remain separate. I see this at every TEAM BUILDING workshop I conduct. "¦Silo's in the workshop. Individual's doing their job, their duty, their "description""¦alone. And yet, in the end, what everyone desires is fellowship, camaraderie, team work. Do...

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X # Asks = X # $$

X # Asks = X # $$ is a very logical and simple equation that I have been teaching for over 20 years, the more you ASK equals the more MONEY generated. The formula to "what I like to call" the numbers game! The numbers game IS just that"¦a game. A very fun game, IF...

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Selling A Dirty Word?

The definition of selling? "¦To give or hand over (something) in exchange for money. Most people do not like the process. They literally avoid the idea of "ASKING" someone to buy. Is there any wonder why high pressure sales are associated with: Alcoholism Nicotine...

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We All Need Friends That Push Back

I have been blessed over the years with knowing many wonderful people. Since it's all marketing and Primal Leadership was conceived I have reached out to clients, mentors, and associates all over the United States, to share ideals and experiences on business. The path...

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Honoring Your Values in Business

Do you know what you want"¦I mean really know what you want?  Will you do whatever it takes to get what you want and at what cost? That's a big question and in order to answer it we must first understand our values! Do you believe what you want is out of your...

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Visualization-Where are you going?

Many of our great heroes (past and current) have noted that they had seen their future self. Some didn't even know what it meant"¦But it became a focal point, or purpose. Thomas Edison had the light bulb in his mind before there was ever light. What steps he needed to...

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