by Jerry Haack | Aug 11, 2014 | Business Attitudes |
I struggled hearing your suggestion on what restaurant to go to because I couldn’t get past that lone tooth sticking out of the lower side of your mouth. Seriously, she had one tooth. When did that become ok? Am I being too harsh? I’m not cruel, just...
by Jerry Haack | Aug 7, 2014 | Business Attitudes, Coaching Workshops |
Golf at midnight in Alaska? Amazing. Never thought I would feel that experience. The greens were a little furry, which makes the putt slow and bumpy. But hey, I was golfing at midnight. So it was good, better than not golfing at all. Slow and bumpy”¦reminds...
by Jerry Haack | Aug 6, 2014 | Team Building |
Death to a 23 year old. No one is prepared to hear that tragic of news especially when they are so young. But sure enough, a good friend of mine got the call just the other day. Her son’s buddy died in an accident. Heartbreaking. I lost my best friend when I...
by Jerry Haack | Jul 31, 2014 | Business Attitudes, Business Coaching, Business Leadership Training |
I’ll be there! And then they don’t show. No regard for commitment? No regard for your word? Is the integrity built on faulty ground? Or is this nature of their industry”¦the beast? Small contractors seem to get a free pass when it comes to being...
by Jerry Haack | Jul 30, 2014 | Business Coaching, Sales Training |
“I can only hear about 35% of what you are saying.” Don’t you wish people were that honest, or conscious, to admit such a statement? The truth is you are engaged with people every single day that cannot hear you 100%. Either because they are...