Jerry’s Writings

Repeating Mistakes, Creating Drama

Repeating Mistakes, Creating Drama

Commit to making a change. When coaching a business I am often asked to change the culture, create more enthusiasm, or build a new leader team. There are many ways to do that, it depends on the owners/management team, monetary commitment, timing, etc. Regardless, I...

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My God this is Painful.

My God this is Painful.

It’s hard being a lifetime Vikings fan.  4 Super Bowls losses, NFC Championship game losses, multiple last second playoff game losses, and the most untimely losses or injuries to some of the best teams ever played in the NFL. Bottom line…The Vikings have still NOT WON...

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Are you willing to dream of your legacy?

Are you willing to dream of your legacy?

This is a note I sent to an incredible group that went through a workshop with me recently. I wanted to share it so you could get a feel for what occurs.  Part of our focus is helping you discover your legacy. We are hoping you attend someday.    Good morning...

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Want to make more money….think EQ.

Want to make more money….think EQ.

Sometimes the only way I can get someone’s attention is to say something like, “Hey, want to make more money or not?” …Why in the world is it so difficult to understand? If you want to influence, persuade, or get your point across you must understand the other...

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Keep Calm and Paddle On

Keep Calm and Paddle On

A client of mine shared this excellent video with me and a wonderful message to her high performing team. All – I’m observing and hearing things that indicate we have quite a bit of anxiety and stress among us. We may not all be showing up as our “best self”. In the...

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Come Together, Right Now!

Come Together, Right Now!

My dear Fellow Americans, We are about to embark on a new adventure, with a new Commander-in-Chief. A new President of what is arguably one of the greatest countries in the world.  And as I sit here, I am “checking in” today feeling Grief, Anger, Shame, Fear, and Joy....

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Do your values drive your leadership?

Do your values drive your leadership?

Once again, I got the pleasure of working with an amazing group of leaders. This group learned the importance of understanding that as leaders we have a choice. And ultimately, it is up to us on how we choose to show up each and every day.        ...

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Within You

Within You

Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln… All names associated with making an impact on history. All the names of people that resonate love and forgiveness.  All regular ol’ human beings living their life mission.   All hero’s that, on some...

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