Jerry’s Writings

Business Leadership Coaching Vision

Getting what you want in life is a challenge.  I'm not talking about a new house, car, vacation, or things.  I'm talking about what is going to fill you up. To truly know what you want means you have to truly know yourself.  Do you know that part of your "self"? ...

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Business Management Coaching Company Messages

Blogging what you see or what you know is a self-expression of who you are. The blog will get a lot of "reads" if it is "relevant" to the reader. The more relevancy you have with your blog idea (or expression of self) the more traction your website will have moving...

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Business Coaching Tools Consulting Versus Selling

Recently I have had numerous examples of my clients struggling with sales projections and strategic approaches to the selling process.  It's interesting to me how these problems seem to ebb and flow at the same time. I had a company hire me in Colorado for a day long...

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Business Coaching Tools for Dramatic Events

The man died 3 times! And was resuscitated 3 times due to a series of heart attacks!  To hear his story is amazing. We have all heard stories like Tom.  In my case, I met him 3 years ago through a referral.  Consequently did a workshop for him on TEAM building. ...

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Success Training Systems Personality Assessments

And yes, I am a ENFP"¦Just as I thought. I recently took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  A sophisticated interpretive personality test.  I was validated to see the results.  For the people with ENFP preferences, life is creative adventure full of exciting...

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Business Coaching Tools Oppressors

That friggin "Oppressor" can knock down even the most accomplished talented Leader.  I saw it happen to one of my clients.  She leads a very successful multi-location non-profit.  She is gifted and talented!  No question about it.  Her ability to assess a situation,...

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Business Management Coaching Health

Take off 100 pounds in order to have the surgery, or live with the excruciating pain.  That was what was in front of my client.  His pain was so intense he was into narcotic stages.  The constant hip pain of bone on bone.  No way to lay down without the throbbing. ...

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Business Success Training Managing Life

Another light has been diminished. Robin is dead. I can't think of how he died right now. But only that he is gone from this planet, this reality, and I miss him already. I loved Robin Williams! For me, he epitomized how life was supposed to be lived, to its fullest,...

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Coaching a Business Employee Professionalism

I struggled hearing your suggestion on what restaurant to go to because I couldn't get past that lone tooth sticking out of the lower side of your mouth. Seriously, she had one tooth.  When did that become ok? Am I being too harsh? I'm not cruel, just curious.  When...

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