Jerry’s Writings
Business Professional Training-The Sales Process
When coaching a business I am always fascinated at their selling processes. My selling process has been developing for close to 40 years now. Wow, just saying that makes me feel really experienced and wise, and old. Over the past 40 years everything I know has...
Business Development Coaching Comfort Zones
Rocky mountain high or rocky mountain oysters? I experienced a rocky mountain high last week when conducting a 6 hour sales workshop in the Rocky Mountain area and, on the same trip, I was offered some rocky mountain oysters. My sales workshop is intense. And I...
Coaching Business Owners “Roll with the Punches”
I was coaching a successful sales team the other day. This team has experienced 28 months in a row of nailing their goals and increases. Obviously not a small feat. They have NOT hit it the past 2 months and getting close to not hitting a third. When coaching a...
Business Leadership Coaching Micromanaging
When coaching a business I occasionally find client's that micromanage every move. At first I feel sorry for them, then irritated, and eventually I want to divorce them. Why micromanage? Fear"¦Fear of everything!!! The need for complete control. This reminds me of a...
Business Leadership Coaching Visualization
I was working with a new client on the visualization of meeting your "Captain" the other day and was blown away by his vivid clarity. I asked him to write it down so I could share it with all my clients. Check this out"¦ Captain Visualization 6-17-2014 I'm surrounded...
The Art of Listening When Coaching Businesses
When coaching businesses I (unfortunately) have found that Listening seems to be a lost art. Arguably the most important thing we could do for world peace. Want to change the world"¦then listen. Listen as if your life depends on it. I beg you"¦listen! Do not...
Business Leadership Coaching Vision
"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." -Henry David Thoreau Are you leading such a life? Do you have a song in your heart that needs to be released? I love this quote. Whether or not Thoreau actually said it is...
Business Leadership Coaching Passion
When was the last time you felt Ardor? In fact, have you ever? Ardor is a noun that means enthusiasm or passion. As in: "They felt the stirrings of revolutionary ardor." Enthusiasm or passion. Being passionate or enthusiastic is very energizing. Have you ever been...
Training Programs Business and Health
When coaching a business one of the most important questions I ask is, "What do you want"? It seems simple enough. Asking the Leader, or Leader TEAM, what objectives are needed, (short and long term goals), is challenging. Why? Because everything in business is...