Jerry’s Writings
Business Coaching Tools Handling Emotions
Emotions preventing growth in your business? Better learn to deal with them. You can't ignore them, wish them away, or force your will over them. The days of "It's my way or the highway" are gone and dead. You have to deal with the emotions that are present in the...
Business Personal Coach Professional Parties
Holiday parties are around the corner. So I thought I would muster up some don'ts for you to follow. Rule Number One: Don't get drunk. Recovery Plan: If you broke this rule already, ask your friends exactly how bad the damage is and hope there is no video. Remember...
Success Training Systems Holiday Recipe’s
Hey, hey, hey, company parties are around the corner. Some dread them, others wait all year for them. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Rosh Hashanah"¦ Lots of things are associated with these gatherings"¦the main one for me? Food. Here's a couple of favorite...
Business Success Training Depends on Feedback
"Are you ready for some football?????" Yeah, it's football season, and I have Hank Jr on my mind but when Coaching for Business's the song has to be"¦ "Are you ready for some Feedback????" One of the biggest gifts (or curse, depends on the day) that I...
Business Management Coaching Meetings
Are you hooked? Or sometimes getting hooked? When coaching for business's a common theme I help work on is with the Leaders that are trying to build a TEAM and then dealing with the pitfalls that occur during that TEAM building process. A Leader sets out with...
Business Personal Coach Celebrating Change
Happy Native American Day"¦. No post office or government offices open, and some banks! I think we can all accept Native American Day while Columbus himself would probably agree a day named after him is really all to sketchy at best! Change is hard and we still...
Business Success Coach “Book Club”
Yikes! Currently I am jammed up in the middle of 7 books! Ever find yourself backed up that way? I am currently reading and/or rereading"¦ · 12 The Elements of Great Managing · What Got You Here Won't Get you There · The Happiness Advantage · ...
Business Leadership Coaching Service to Others (Part 2)
I am reminded of one of my hero's quotes "The two most important days in your life are day you were born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain I was born to do what I am doing right now. I love being of service to others. And it shows up in my conviction and...
Business Leadership Coaching Service to Others (Part 1)
You go from village to village on your horse asking everyone, "Has anyone seen my horse?" One of Rumi's better quotes when coaching for business. Why? Because sometimes the answer is right in front of them or better yet, they are sitting on it!!! How many businesses...